Should Your Church Be Using Print Marketing?

How many times have you been on Google, Facebook, or Instagram this week? 

Do you get the same screen report I get each week? On a GOOD week, I am “only” averaging two hours of screen time per day. I am almost embarrassed to say that I have averaged almost four hours a day on my phone some weeks. That doesn't even include the time I spend on my computer.

Maybe you can relate, or maybe you are more disciplined than I am. Either way, the data is in and people spend more time on a screen than ever before. According to the most recent Gallup poll, teenagers spend an AVERAGE of 4 hours and 22 minutes on social media alone. 

With this rapid increase of the digital world, where does that leave other areas of marketing? If you have been following along with us, you know there are four key areas to building a holistic  marketing plan, Including: 

  1. Digital Marketing - Check out our blog post on Digital Marketing Here!

  2. Print Marketing

  3. People Marketing 

  4. Email/Text Marketing

Specifically, if everyone is spending so much time on their phone, does print marketing still have a place when we are marketing events for our church? Short answer, YES! Since everything is so digital now, it is really easy for digital marketing to just get lost in the noise or even not seen at all. Print marketing is tangible. I call print marketing the “Stickiest” of all four parts of a marketing plan, meaning it sticks around in people's hands longer than any other area of marketing. 

What does print marketing include? Here is a quick list:

  • Flyers

  • Postcards

  • Posters

  • Yard Signs

  • Billboards

  • Outdoor Banners

  • Bulletins

  • Flags

  • Branded giveaways

  • Tri-folds

  • And more!

Print Marketing includes anything that you can hold, touch, and feel. Print marketing gives you the chance to be personal and externally focused. Check out this guide to see how you can shift your current print marketing strategy to become more effective in meeting new people in your community! 


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