Join Our Mission

Funded primarily through donations, Connect Ministries partners with churches across the country to reach people in their community and impact their lives with the Gospel of Christ. All donations given to Connect Ministries help drive our mission to help churches meet new people.

Tribal Fund

Designated to providing campers with scholarships at Connect Camps

Meet New People Fund

Designated to helping churches meet new people

Young Leaders Fund

Designated to developing young leaders spiritually and professionally

The Impact

Willowbrook Church in Huntsville, AL needed to find a non-Sunday entry point to meet families. One spring they met a single mother raising 2 sons at a church-sponsored event and invited them to Connect Camps. That week, her sons had a life-changing experience at Connect Camps, which led the mom to prioritize leading her family spiritually, and she was baptized that fall. They are now active in their church and have invited other unchurched families to Connect Camps since that first summer. 


Stay Connected

If you want to stay connected to the life of Connect Ministries, fill out this form and we will provide you with updates about our ministry impact!

Interested in learning more about the impact you can have at Connect Ministries? Please reach out to our Director of Advancement, Anne Hopkins, at [email protected].

Connect Ministries, Inc. is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization.



You are helping churches across the country create meaningful relationships with new people.