How Should People Fit Into Your Marketing Plan?

The power of a referral is priceless.

How often have you heard someone say, “Have you tried the food from that new restaurant down the street? It is so good, you should go!” Or maybe it was, “Have you seen that new movie? It was SO GOOD! You need to take your kids to see it!” What generally happens when you hear this? If you are like me, you are headed to check it out!

Many times, when church leaders are building a marketing plan, we neglect one of the most important parts. To have a holistic marketing plan, there are four important parts. So far, you have covered digital marketing and print marketing. Other parts include people marketing and email/text marketing as important parts of a holistic plan.

If you are specifically looking to meet new people as a result of your marketing efforts, people marketing is the most effective way to get traction quickly. People marketing focuses on resourcing others to become additional marketers of your event. Some examples of people marketing would be leveraging influencers, recruiting donors, securing business partners, or resourcing current members/attendees.

Did you know that 82% of unchurched people are at least somewhat likely to go to church if a friend invited them? That high number explains why about 80% of first-time guests come to church because a friend invited them!

GOOD NEWS! We have a practical guide built just for you to help get the wheels turning on how you can start building a plan for people marketing!


We understand that sometimes, your church may need extra support in the area of marketing. After 18 years of helping churches connect with new people in their community, we have launched Connect Marketing, a full-service marketing firm specifically designed for churches. If you want to spend less time on marketing and communication while achieving better results, please fill out the interest form for Connect Marketing.



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