How One Ministry Cracked the Code to Meeting New People and How Your Church Can Too.

Gabe Norris (left) and Ken Thomas (right) teaching at Connect Gathering in Jan. 2020. Each year, ministry leaders are equipped and empowered at this event to meet new people through breakouts, planning sessions and keynote speakers. (Photo Courtesy/ Connect Ministries)

17 years after its founders felt burdened by the Lord to do something more, Connect Ministries has helped 2,000 churches meet over 500,000 new people and get them plugged into the life of the church. This fall, they launched Connect Coaching to provide resources for all ministry leaders to get outside their church walls. 

In 2006, Gabe Norris and Ken “KT” Thomas were running a children’s camp and serving within a church plant. As they worked and served, they noticed churches were having a difficult time reaching unchurched people.

Burdened by the number of unchurched families that were going unreached, they asked the question, “How can we help our church get outside its walls and meet people who are indifferent to the church and have no connection to Christ?” 

Their church plant started a 3-on-3 basketball tournament, and Gabe and KT realized that all churches could reach their cities by learning to speak the language of unchurched people. 

In a truck, overlooking the Nashville skyline, Gabe and KT felt called by God to “stop being bothered by the church’s struggle to reach unchurched people and go do something about it.”

In September 2006, Connect hosted its first community 3-on-3 basketball tournament in Cool Springs, Tennessee. Since then, Connect has helped support 2,000 churches to get outside their walls, meet 500,000 people and get them plugged into the life of the church.

Teams competing in the first Connect 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament in Cool Springs, Tennessee, in Sept. 2006.  (Photo Courtesy/ Connect Ministries)

In 2022, 67% of Americans seldom or never attended church, according to the University of Chicago’s General Social Survey. Those 220 million unchurched people living in communities throughout the United States are the reason Connect Ministries exists.

Connect Ministries has partnered with churches and church staff that share the same burden as Gabe and KT for 17 years. Through remarkable outreach events like races, basketball tournaments, and day camps, Connect discovered four key ingredients for local churches to effectively meet new people.

Connect knows churches meet new people when they:

  1. Provide remarkable experiences.

  2. Build life-giving relationships.

  3. Execute a clear plan.

  4. Enjoy deep friendship with God.

Connect Coaching is the newest resource of Connect Ministries, launched to help Senior Pastors and ministry leaders develop a clear plan for their church to meet new people and help them establish relationships with Jesus. Connect Coaching includes resources to assess and identify your church’s strengths and weaknesses and to create a personalized ministry growth plan.

Church growth shouldn’t have to be a challenge. You are not alone in wanting to see unchurched people come to know Christ. Connect Ministries and Connect Coaching want to support you in developing a personalized plan to help your church meet new people and fulfill the Great Commission.

Pastors and ministry leaders can visit for free resources on how your church can effectively meet new people. Connect Ministries can be followed on social media @connectmini. 


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